Our Team Members


Accredited Exercise Physiologist

Accredited Exercise Physiologist

Accredited Exercise Physiologist

Accredited Exercise Physiologist


  • Bachelor Social Science (Human Movement) – 1997
  • Graduate Diploma in Pilates Rehabilitation (Polestar International) – 2004
  • Graduate Diploma Education (PDHPE) – 1998
  • Diploma of Contemporary Pilates (Tensegrity Training) – 2013
  • Currently enrolled at Newcastle University and completing my PhD (Physiotherapy) on the Development of a Standardised Measurement of Core Stability for health populations and chronic low back pain
Mark Goswell


Mark has specialised in Exercise Physiology since 2000, developing areas of expertise in the treatment and management of injuries to the lower back, shoulders, neck, and knees. He has extensive experience in assisting clients with complex neural conditions and has an interest in assisting clients with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), anxiety and depression, chronic pain in coping with their condition using effective exercise techniques. Mark’s personal journey of recovery from neck and lower back surgery provides firsthand knowledge and experience on how to gain a full recovery from debilitating injuries to return to a full and active life.

Mark was one of the first Exercise Physiologists to become accredited with the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) in Newcastle. He has assisted clients with Muscular Dystrophy, Cerebral Palsy, Stokes, Acquired Brain Injuries, Amputation, Paraplegia, Autism and Gillian Barre Syndrome, by way of improving and managing their conditions.

He is a qualified Rehabilitation Pilates Practitioner and has a comprehensive understanding of the involvement of core stability in the rehabilitation of all major injuries. His knowledge in the development of exercise routines, that incorporate core stability, ensures that clients have a high success rate in improving their condition. Due to his extensive knowledge in the Pilates Method he can assist in increasing a client’s core, lumbopelvic, scapula and cervical stability.

Mark is furthering his knowledge of core stability by currently completing his PhD (Physiotherapy) on the development of a clinical measurement of Core Stability. This currently does not exist in the health industry and Mark is at the forefront of core stability knowledge and its impact on the spine and in its effectiveness in the rehabilitation of all injuries.

Mark is also an educator, writing and delivering courses to Exercise Physiologists around Australia on Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation techniques, including assessment procedures and exercise prescription. Due to his extensive knowledge on musculoskeletal rehabilitation he has been invited to speak to companies on manual handling techniques, stress management strategies and injury management.


  • B. Science (Exercise Science) 2009
  • Post Grad Diploma Exercise Rehabilitation 2010
  • Diploma in Pilates Rehabilitation (PoleStar Education) 2014
  • Certificate IV of Contemporary Pilates (Tensegrity Pilates) 2015
  • 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training – (My Vinyasa Practice) 2020
  • Level 1 Breathwork Instructor – (Breathless) 2022
Tracy Thirkell

Accredited Exercise Physiologist

Tracy is an Accredited Exercise Physiologist and has been working in this role with Mark Goswell since 2011. She specialises in injury/pain management and rehabilitation utilising mindfulness-based approaches as well as physical based practices of pilates, yoga, stability specific training and strength-based training. She has extensive experience in exercise prescription and strives to provide her clients with a holistic treatment plan that educates and empowers the client toward improved injury management, physical/emotional function and overall health. Through studying the Pilates Method, Yoga Asana and Anatomy Trains in Motion Tracy has gained a deep understanding of the human body in movement and is able to assess and identify areas for improved movement patterns within the body to restore balance and ease in the body. This gives her clients the best possible outcomes in long term health outcomes as well as injury prevention and rehabilitation as she understands the importance of establishing sufficient base stability to support the body during movement.

Tracy has a passion for health, self-awareness and all things breathwork. She is a firm believer that by being more aware of how we breathe and how we move our bodies, all day-everyday, we can establish good behaviours, manage stress/mental health as well as improve movement patterns and muscle movement synergy.  Restoring breathing patterns that engage the diaphragm at rest and in activity leads to the management and prevention of pain as well as many non-trauma based injuries and chronic illnesses. Mia Angelou says “When we know better we do better”. Awareness is the gateway to change and the breath is the key to open the gate.

Out of the workplace, Tracy is a perpetual student of yoga, breathwork and meditation. She is a lover of the ocean and engages in daily salt-water therapy as well as regular ice baths.


  • Currently enrolled at Newcastle University and completing my PhD (Physiotherapy) on the Development of a Standardised Measurement of Core Stability for health populations and chronic low back pain
Alison Bonning

Accredited Exercise Physiologist

Alison Bonning is an Accredited Exercise Physiologist with Exercise and Sports Science Australia (ESSA). Alison Completed her Bachelor of Exercise and sports science at the Australian College of Physical Education (ACPE), then continued to improve her knowledge of Rehabilitation of body by completing A Masters in Clinical Exercise Physiology at Australian Catholic University (ACU).

Alison has also been qualified in Pilates and has been working in the health and fitness industry since 2012. These experiences have allowed her to gain a strong understanding of movement patterns within the human body. Alison is able to use this knowledge and experience to provide her clients with the best possible outcomes in injury prevention and rehabilitation

Alison has had the pleasure to work with a range of different clients ranging from cardiac clients, musculoskeletal injuries and Neurological conditions to Cancer, Mental Health, Autism and Polycystic Cystic ovarian syndrome. Alison also has a strong interest in working with Neurological conditions.

Outside of the workplace, Alison enjoys being in the outdoors, Running, Wake-boarding, snowboarding and jet skiing.


  • Ba. Applied Science exercise physiology
  • Ba. Applied science sport science
Jennifer Blundell

Accredited Exercise Physiologist

Jenny Blundell is an Accredited Exercise Physiologist with Exercise and Sports Science Australia (ESSA). Jenny completed her Bachelor of Applied Science Exercise Physiology at the University of Sydney (USYD). She is also a Dual Olympian, competing for Australia in athletics (middle distance running) at the highest of levels. She competed at the 2016 Rio De Janeiro (1500m) and 2020 Tokyo Olympics (5000m) for Australia.

Jenny’s experience as an Exercise Physiologist is very diverse and she has enjoyed working with a variety of clients in a Hospital outpatient and inpatient setting specialising in post-surgery and pre-surgery Orthopaedic rehabilitation (reconstruction, replacements and spinal surgery), cardiac rehabilitation, stroke rehabilitation, mental health, amputation and osseo-integration, falls prevention and Parkinson’s disease. Jenny also has a passion for both men’s and women’s health including prostate and breast cancer oncology as well as the management and prevention of a range of chronic conditions such as diabetes. In addition, Jenny has had the pleasure of working in sports performance and biomechanics to assist in the development of athletes’ strength and conditioning, running analysis and exercise programming for anyone returning from sports injury or aiming to transition their training to an elite level.

Outside of the workplace and athletics, Jenny enjoys water sports such as water skiing, watching rugby, going camping and does motivational speaking and presentations.


  • Director of Lifestyle Pilates and Rehabilitation Studio
  • Graduate Certificate in Exercise Science (Rehabilitation)
  • Bachelor of Education (PDHPE)
  • Level 4 Pilates Practitioner with the Australian Pilates Method Association (APMA)
Anita Delbridge Goswell

Accredited Exercise Physiologist

Anita Delbridge Goswell is the Director of Lifestyle Pilates and Rehabilitation Studio and an accredited Exercise Physiologist with the Exercise and Sports Science Association (ESSA). She completed her Graduate Certificate in Exercise Science (Rehabilitation) at Charles Sturt University in 2009 and her Bachelor of Education (PDHPE) at the University of Newcastle in 1995. She lectured at the NSW Tafe in the Health and Recreation Department for 10 years and has been in the Health and Fitness industry since 1990, specialising in exercise programming for general fitness, strength, injury rehabilitation, sports specific training and weight loss.

Anita is also a Level 4 Pilates Practitioner with the Australian Pilates Method Association (APMA). She completed her Graduate Certificate in the Pilates Method at the University of Technology in Sydney in 2002 and holds a Diploma of Contemporary Pilates and Teaching Methodology through Tensegrity Training. She has spent 4 years on the APMA council, with her last year as Vice President of the association.

Anita has experience as a course deliverer for Government accredited Certificate IV and Diploma courses in the Pilates Method. She is an educator on musculoskeletal rehabilitation, pre and post partum exercise and the Pilates Method for other allied health professionals and Pilates instructors. She also holds a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.

She has been teaching the Pilates Method since 2001, bringing the first commercial pilates studio to Newcastle in 2002. She specialises in musculoskeletal rehabilitation and pre and post partum exercise using the Pilates Method.

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